My boss's brother owns a winnebago MH that he is preparing to live in full-time. Over the weekend, boss's wife was in the bookstore, and bought this book for her brother in law that was about "campers". Just thought it would be a nice gift for specific occasion or anything. Turns out, what she bought was the book "Airstream: the history of the land yacht", thinking that it was a "general" topic. Boss know's all about airstreams, and that I had just bought one, and that this book would be of little interest to his brother. So he brought in the book and gave it to me. he wouldn't take any money for it. "consider it a gift from his wife"....
What are the odd's of something like this happening right on the exact same weekend that I bring home my new A/S??
My airstream serendipity consisted of my son buying a truck for resale 2 weeks before I found my airstream, so he was able to tow it home for me, right now I have an old tercel (for work) and an old corvette (for play), neither one could get my 31' home. He has a buyer for it 5 days after he delivered my new/old sovereign. So, I would conclude that airstreamers have mechanical and literary angels as well.
When I was working as an engineer for IBM, we always said that we had an invisible person in our department named Sarah N. Dippity. Whenever something worked right the first time, she received the credit.
I think I still get some help from her once in a while.
John W. Irwin
2018 Interstate GT, "Sabre-Dog V"
WBCCI #9632
Hi Pahaska...
...just been looking at your photo's, again...can you tell me, when it's been raining, and you have your canopy out, and you fold it away later, does any rain water get into the slot where the canopy goes, if so how do you know if it is doing any unforseen damage, probably until it's too late...???...
Thank's ...Chris.....
It's NICE 2B Important...but it's more Important 2B NICE...Chris.....
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