S.W. Florida in Season
I lived in Naples, FL full time for 13 years and owned a home there for 24 years. Most people that rent out there home or condo during high season require at least a 2 month stay, Some require 3 month. RV parks are no different. Usually reservations are made a year in advance. The nicest parks fill up fast. So, If you do find a short term spot for this December, spend some time looking around at some RV parks that would be acceptable to you and secure a spot for next season. I never rented my home out for less than full season (3 months) and many years had 4 or 5 month rentals. That is just the economics of it. Hope you are not shocked by the price. Back in the 1990's, I was renting out for $3000.00 per month. Expensive place to live. That is one reason among some others that we moved to western North Carolina 4 years ago when we retired. Good luck with your search.