I've had a Roadwing fitted for a few months on the back of my Dodge Ram 2500 4X4 Cummins, and I'm disappointed. The ten or so bolts rusted after two weeks in Florida (no salt), and I replaced them with stainless ones with nyloc nuts. After 3 months the lightly painted steel strips through which the bolts pass are beginning to peel and rust. Mud still passes outside and round the device, and the trailer gets filthy. I'm keeping it for now (It was about $180!) and I'm going to add mud flaps to all four wheel arches as well. On the plus side, it should protect most trailers from large rocks coming straight back and smashing the windows. (In fact, because of the high nature of the Ram 4X4, there is a line of sight from the tire point of contact with the road to the front window, over the top of the Roadwing. That may not affect your vehicle, but my windows are still at risk. I may end up adding a flap attached to the top of the Roadwing). To be fair, I have seen enthusiastic reviews from others, which is why I bought it. Good luck. Nick.
Nick Crowhurst, Excella 25 1988, Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins Diesel. England in summer, USA in winter.
"The price of freedom is eternal maintenance."