Week Number three and lo and behold....
The remedy for the rear leak from the grey water tank - more accurately that the pipe with the dohickie called a flapper valve or something or the other - has been given a quick fix. Another AS owner suggested I just get one of those Tote-a-tanks so could just empty things out without having to hitch up the trailer every time. Reminder to self - investigate campgrounds and only use those which have the sanitary hookups... instead of being weary and saying "wow this place looks cool"...It cost me 89 + tax for a 22 gallon ... even comes with a handle that can be hooked onto back of a ball hitch...
Thought that my shower door was leaking an obnoxious amount of water - and did my best to not spray the door... then after several days noticed that the small damp puddle had become almost a small pond. Considering that with the rear leak - I had concentrated on using the potable water for cooking and bowel relievement festivities for several days... I sprang the notion to investigate the toilet as a source... Sure enuf.... had my own 'cold springs" whenever I flushed... Further investigation revealed a AS Option that I am not too terribly certain was a manufactures option... I had a - well doohickie - that normally sits on household faucets that let you move the hose around to spray out pots and pans - hooked to the toilet... everytime I flushed the coupling where it is tied into the water line would joyously generate fountains of fresh water... hence the carpet did its job and gleefully soaked it all up...
Luckily for me - every misfortune has a silver lining. The carpet was ruined and having educated myself on the effects of sitting water on wood - deemed it necessary to expidite my flooring project

Being on a budget I went for the industrial laminate tile which I believe will make the perfect base layer for phase two which will be the laying of Pergo at a later time...
Alas - still one more 'unsolved mystery" which is none of the front overhead lights will come on, nor the galley light, or the outside light, or the door light... I should not be two hasty to say never - occassionally they will "all the sudden" come on. First time it happened it blew a fuse and I fixed that - however - the second time - the fuse tested SAT and I am left with determining when I will have use of the lighting and for how long...
And I had to replace my Aluminum Tanks becuase nobody here has the valves and after comparing the costs to recertify, new valve installation, and refill - it was cheaper to get new ones on short notice (decided one day without the ability to cook was about all I was in the mood for - wait who am I kidding - I cook only occassionally - the real reason was wanting hot water for long showers....(never have to worry about the tank get full from a 40 minute shower (kidding of course))....
Suffice it to say all is well and it has been a great adventure thus far...