Metric Airstream
A 32' unit is not really 32'. It is 32' 9.5". Which is 393.5" or 10 m.
Some other conversions:
29' is 29' 2", or 350" or 8.9 m
A 25' unit is really 25' 11" or 311" or 7.9 m
There are several 34' sizes, 34' 7", 35' 2" (10.5m and 10.7m respectively)
Different years/models were different from this.
Weight: with mine, dry/gross 6500/8300 lbs is 2.95/3.76 tons respectively (Metric tons of course).
The difference between earlier and '96+ bodies width is 2.43m and 2.59m or 15cm. So in a 10m unit, the total area gained is 1.5m^2.
Justice - When you get what you deserve. Mercy - When you don't get what you deserve
Grace - When you get what you don't deserve