Lots of good threads and YouTube videos out there for troubleshooting RV fridge problems.
Start with the basics - do you have proper voltage reaching the
12v connection on the rear of the fridge? That's necessary for both 120v operation and for LP operation. With inadequate voltage the fridge won't function.
Just because you have new batteries doesn't mean that a) they're fully charged, and b) that it's reaching the fridge.
After that, make sure that proper 120v power is reaching the outlet where the fridge is plugged in.
Same for LP - is the gauge behind the fridge showing pressure? Has the air in the lines been bled out?
Once you confirm that you have proper
12v, 120v, and LP at the fridge then you can start working through the various troubleshooting steps.
All of this assumes you have a multimeter. If not, make that step #1. Buy a multimeter and learn how to use it as it will be important in troubleshooting.