Hey Paul ~
We may be interested...but on short notice, I don't know if we can swing another trip...we already have two other Rallies planned for Sept/Oct...
Next weekend we are going with the Denver WBCCI Unit to Yuma, CO for Thresher Days, if you would like to join us, email me off line & I will give you details and who to contact about signing up I think Friday was the last "official" sign-up day, but I'm sure you could still join in.
The other one planned is to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque the 4-9th of Oct. You could still sign-up for that one, no problem.
And I think there is one more this fall that we weren't planning on going to, but sounded like fun...I'll have to look up the info, I think it was going to be in WY somewhere.
Anyway, keep us posted on what you have in mind & we'll see if we can fit it in...although, we are still "working stiffs" and need to make a living too...oh darn!