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Old 03-19-2003, 12:50 PM   #1
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Exclamation Buying mattress pad? beware of Camping World false ad.

I am not a happy camper.

I cliked on the link on home page for Camping World "$1 shipping"

The snotty tweet on the phone tried to explain to me that: "the shipping now is $15.50" AND "NO, this is not faulse advertisement."

I tried to order their "pillow topper" (dumb name for a mattress pad) for $85.56. Comes out to $101.06 with tax & shipping.
He is trying to convice me that this item never qualified for $1 shipping because it is a "special shipping item".
Granted, the catalog I have is outdated, but it did qualified then for $1 shipping, and before that was only $7.50.Normal shipping.

I know prices go up, but: I would have liked to see some fine print in their Camping World "$1 shipping" link.
Several people mentioned getting those pads, and I had planned to get one too.

I know this is stupid, but I will pay more from somebody else who has an honest advertisement. (yes, you never know. This could exist)
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Old 03-19-2003, 12:58 PM   #2
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I would call and speak with a manager.
Camping World has always been a terrific source for me, helpful, courteous and reasonable on prices. Their catalogues do have different deals from time to time though, as many others do.
For example I waited a bit last summer and got my tow bar for 70 dollars off the usual price, free shipping and six months same as cash. Saved me over 100 dollars.
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Old 03-19-2003, 01:58 PM   #3
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I waited 'til the catalog was outdated, so I wound up paying right at $100 for the short queen pad with tax and shipping... didn't get $1 shipping either.

Decided to try it on the house full queen (even though it's a short queen size) just to see how it felt, and it hasn't come off! Makes a huge difference!
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Old 03-19-2003, 02:42 PM   #4
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Aren't there "member" prices and non-member prices? I ususally get my stuff from

They may not have the selection that Camping World ususally does, but they have always treated me well and are very nice people. I figure, even if it was a few more bucks, I'd prob still buy from them since I don't usually pay people to treat me like a dope and that $1 shipping can be deciving sometimes. There is always some sort of fine print, but in the end, even if there was a misunderstanding, it's all on how they rebound from it that makes the difference.

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Old 03-19-2003, 07:33 PM   #5
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Thank you Mr Camping World.

I cannot imagine that somebody, somewhere is not able to sell the same product as Camping World for less. We were members for 2 years, then gave up. Anything we bought, we could always get cheaper elsewhere.

Thanks to their "good customer service", I went in search of mattress toppers on the Net.

As a result, I found a cheaper mattress manufacterer. I was going to order from Knox Foam, who has a very good price. I found Lindsley Foam in MS, looks like a no frill outfit too. They will make custom cushions, but they advise you to just buy the blocks of foam and they'll tell you how to cut them.
If you do not have them yet, here are those 2 addresses for custom mattresses, cushions,...... :

Lindsey Foam and Knox Foam (mattresses cover too)

Memory foam pads are available everywhere. Is my search over? Maybe. Google promised me 8,360 results. I was ready to go...... they gave me only 281.
I am glad to say that after only a few hours of research (less than 7 hours), I found what may be better prices than CW. Could be worth checking if you are in the market for memory foam mattress pads. (I have not ordered from any of those outfits):

Smart Bargains: $49.99, plus $6.95 shipping (total order). They tell me the pads are 1 1/2 or 2" thick. (on the picture,they look more like 1")
So: thickness total 2" or 4", 10 years warranty, 60 X 80. I can use 2 anyway, so I will pay $106.93
Camping World: 2" thick , 1 year warranty, 53 X 74 . With the tax, I pay $104.91

The size I need is 49 X 74, which leaves me 2 strips 11 X 6 to put under the pillows. In the end, better warranty, maybe thicker pad, for $2.02 xtra.

an other one: Home Shopping Network. No idea how thick (could be only 1"):
deducting coupon # 148701: ($15 off good through May 31, 2003), final cost , incl. shipping $63.80 for full size bed, or add $1 for queen. 5 years warranty.

A few things I found on the way: Bed, Bath & Beyond and JC Penney were mentioned in the past, but they do not seem to carry the ones without cover anymore.

I guess I should have posted that in "Interior Restoration Forum". These informations were gathered thanks to my being very very very p*s*e* at Mr Camping World. It shows, you got to hold on to a thread and follow trough. They don't call me the piranha for nothing.

Hope this will help somebody.
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Old 03-19-2003, 07:55 PM   #6
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i have had the same experience on some items being special order. just say no . and i always keep the tell me form david for such ocasions. dont order send the form in and see what happens. camping world has too much to lose by using deceptive sales practices. look in your catalogue and on the order form there isnt $1.50 handling charge any more he got one of the tell david forms with a lot of explicit words. and crooooook is one i will repeat. cleaned that one up real quick.
if you look you will find a lot of business trying to add charges that you are not aware of . my telephone order had an extra 12 for processing tacked on . called my credit card co and ask if they would take care of the problem . got aletter and a credit it was a mistake. right. lol
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