I'm really looking forward to the member sticker for our trailers!
Has anyone thought about a bumper sticker for our tow vehicles? It would be nice to know who other Airstreamers are when not towing one.
Something like: "My home when I roam is an Airstream".
Pet Sitters take the "Board'em" out of Travel !
I tried a slightly different approach. At the last WBCCI International Rally I purchased custom license plate frames. The frames on my Suburban and Plymouth read "I'd Rather Be Airstreaming", and the one on my Cadillac reads "Where, Oh Where is my Airstream?" The frames are chrome plated and the lettering is white on an "Airstream Blue" background.
Kevin D. Allen WBCCI (Lifetime Member)/VAC #7864 AIR #827
1964 Overlander International
1978 Argosy Minuet 6.0 Metre
What is the latest on purchasing the forum designed sticker?
__________________ Craig
AIR #0078
'01 2500hd ext. cab, 8.1 litre gas, 5 sp. Allison auto
3.73 rear end
Mag-Hytec rear diff cover
Amsoil Dual by-pass oil filtration system
Amsoil synthetics all around
265 watt AM Solar, Inc. system
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