I have a 1973 SAFARI that I was tinkering with around the bumper storage area and found a rotted crossmember. The belly pan is one big sheet and not in sections. It is screwed in at the rear with large sheet metal screws. These screws are rusted and will not turn as they just strip when you try to loosen. What is the best method for removing the belly pan back to the stabilizer jacks so I can further inspect the rear end of the trailer?
I just replaced my entire belly pan on my 53' Flying Cloud. What I had to do was drill out the rivets. Then replaced with bigger ones. Thats my suggestion
I bought a set of screw extractors from Sears for <$20 which sometimes work as a last resort. After liberally dousing the screw with penetrating oil and letting it sit the screw extractors will work a little more than 50% of the time. Still sometimes the head will break off and sometimes the screw doesn't budge, but you are no worse off than before.
Sail on silver girl. Sail on by. Your time has come to shine.
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