Got to know. Just forward of the steps and rivited to the underbelly on the frame is a channel about 8" wide with a few holes in the channel "L" s. Thought it might have been to carry a spare tire but that dose not make sence ?? Tom
There is Something Worse than Dying--- That is NOT LIVING !!!
PERFECT Trailer- Dog loves it- Wife hates it!!! You're not camping until you're miserable!
The device is just a part of a slide bolt arrangement that was to keep steps in the up position while traveling. The slide bolt part must be lost on your trailer. Our slide bolt works well. Step cannot be lowered with bolt extended. Frank
Picture later.......It's raining now......... hal le luya
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Now you tell !!!!!! I thought that extension was home made and I made a box for it to put in in when traveling! Now it's a foot stool. Tom
There is Something Worse than Dying--- That is NOT LIVING !!!
PERFECT Trailer- Dog loves it- Wife hates it!!! You're not camping until you're miserable!
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