So, the front end Stainless Steel Segment Protector hinges were originally attached to the shell with SS sheet metal screws. Makes sense since I guess one wants them removable. In my case, previous owners must have had trouble with the Protector hinges pulling loose from the shell body and stripping out the screw holes, thus requiring larger screws and even relocation of the hinges on the shell. When I got into renovating this baby I discovered that there was bad
"front end separation" which probably caused enough vibration to cause the segment protector hinge / screw damage as well.
I've done a bunch of work on the front end. I've installed (with the help of family and friends) a 36 inch long tie down plate across the front (and rear end for good measure) and repaired all of the old skin damage.
Before I reinstall the Segment Protectors with the SS piano hinges I'm wondering if anyone has found a better way. I'm wondering if doing away with the piano hinges and just using additional mounting blocks that I can securely rivet on might not hold up better. One obvious difference would be that thorough cleaning would require removing the protectors instead of opening them.
Like I said, have you found something that you liked? And feel free to shoot holes in my idea.