Had a great first trip out, 4500 miles and nary a problem except we lost a hubcap!! Do any of you have one that would match my existing three from a '74 Sovereign Int. and not looking to retire off the sale? I would even be interested in two. Please let me know. I can attach a pic if it would help. Thanks
I am not an expert on A/S hubcaps but they look very similar to the ones used on the old late 60's and possibly earl 70's Oldsmobile Toronado's. Anyone else see the similarity?
Of course finding a hubcap for one of those may be just as hard, probably not as expensive though.
Actually, Patrick did notice that the hubcaps looked like oldsmobile hubcaps. In fact when we bought our airstream a month ago, the first thing he commented on was that the hubcaps were not original...they were from an oldsmobile! We did some research and figured out that they were truely airstream hubcaps. But, we figure if anything happens to our hubcaps, we know of some alternatives...
Anyone know of a business that collects and resells used hubcaps? I remember a t.v. highlight of one that's located in the desert somewhere in the U.S. but did not get a name or location. Can anyone steer me to one?
Originally posted by 74SovereignInt. Yep it is, I just can't see spending 50-100 dollars for a hubcap. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Hey, I have one of those in my basement if your interested. It came off of my 74 Argosy. If you're interested send me an email. pmichaelis@sympatico.ca
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