"Equalizer hitch works a little like the Reese Dual Cam"
"Equalizer keeps trumpeting that their bars are not tapered, but they never tell you why they think that is better."
What struck me about the Dual Cam is that the cams are a 'return to center' force which is the essence of an oscillatory system. The fact that the DC uses this kind of force to dampen sway tells me that sway is not a mechanical oscillation but rather an aggravated handling problem (think springs and shocks).
The EQ uses friction (just try to swing the bars back towards the bumper to get them out of the way while the hitch is on the truck!), which is a traditional oscillation damping method. The fact it works as well as the DC indicates that all that is really needed for moderate sway problems is just a little help in restricting rotation around the pivot.
As for the shape of the spring bars, that sounds like advertising hype. I think the EQ bars are probably a lot less expensive to manufacture,. would show less bending as the bending moment would be spread more evenly over the length of the bar, and would be less prone to failure becuase there are no welded links for attaching chains. Any other ideas?