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Old 10-24-2011, 06:36 PM   #21
2 Rivet Member
TSchleff's Avatar
2005 30' Classic
Omaha , Nebraska
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 59
These are all great ideas for hooking up the HAHA ... and I will throw in another, which I think I saw somewhere on this website. Little hard to explain, but let me try.

I use two of those lime green poles with the magnets on one end. And I have found if I spend a few minutes at the time of unhooking the trailer, it makes hooking up easier. Let me explain.

When I'm ready to disconnect the trailer at the RV Park, I loosen the weight distribution bars until they are sloppy lose. Then I raise or lower the trailer tongue until the pen that goes through the stinger on the TV hitch can be turned by hand. This tells me there is no weight on the stinger or the hitch of the truck. I then pull the TV forward until the stinger comes out of hitch just a few inches.

At this time I put one of the poles on the very end of the stinger and one on the HAHA right above the front of the receiver. Then I use the cranks on the weight distribution bars, just like the handles on a wheelbarrow to get the two poles to be exactly parallel, in all directions. Now I know when it comes time to hook up the trailer I know the hitch and stinger are set at the right angle. I now adjust the height of the trailer so it is level.

When it comes time to hook up the trailer, I put both poles back where they were. One at the very end of the stinger and one right above the opening of the receiver. I slowly back up lining up the poles and stop right before they touch. Then I raise or lower the trailer to match the height of the stinger and finish backing it in.

Since I have started using this approach it really makes hooking it up real easy and quick. Now you are probably asking; why spend the time of making the poles parallel at time of unhooking? There are two reasons; 1) Seems like I'm always a little more rushed to get going in the mornings than unhooking in the PM. 2) This is the hard one to explain. If the TV and TT are on different plains, then the poles are very hard to "read". And, unless your significant other is great at giving directions to get the stinger and hitch to match up .. you will find yourself making several stabs at getting the stinger close to the hitch. Trust me, it you try this you will see the advantage of getting the stinger and hitch matched upon disconnect.

The key is to get those two poles parallel in all directions, both front to back and sideways.

One final comment about the HAHA. Last year we traveled 5,500 miles pulling the trailer in all kinds of weather and wind. It works great.
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