Cautionary Tale: Demco coupler from Airstream!
I wanted to post my recent experience with replacing the hitch coupler. My 2018 FC 28RB had a quirky coupler from Day One and after a couple years of use, the coupler came off the ball when I raised the tongue jack. This happened occasionally and then became a regular happening. Sometimes, I tried to raise the jack to lessen the tension on the equalizer bars to disconnect and the hitch came off. Without any chocks or breaks engaged! Not a safe situation. After consulting several technicians, I decided to have the coupler replaced.
2018 Airstreams had Atwood hitch coupler which was discontinued and replaced with Demco coupler in 2019. Atwood coupler had a repair kit but was all sold out and no longer available in the market. Airstream Part Book now lists the PN 455653 for Demco coupler as a replacement for the Atwood coupler. So, I ordered a Demco coupler from Woodland Airstream thinking I would have it installed before the next trip. After about a couple of months, I had a local welder come to the property and had the coupler replaced without a problem. When I tried to hitch the day before the trip, however, the coupler would sit on the ball just fine but the lock block won't sink down below the ball! In other words, I couldn't bring the latch down completely so I could insert the safety pin through the hole. No matter how hard I tried, it simply would not sink down. I decided to travel nevertheless trusting the equalizer bars would hold the coupler down. I was able to travel from TN to FL safely, thank God! I then contacted Woodland and they said it was already past the 30-day return period and told me to contact the manufacturer. I contacted Demco and they told me what I thought was so incredulous an explanation.
Apparently, Demco has had other Airstream customers with the same problem. They have determined that the problem was caused by the thick anti-rust coating material Airstream applied to their OEM coupler which does not have the black coating. Well, nice thick coating is fine on the outside, but Airstream applied the same material inside the coupler, making the cavity much smaller than the factory specs require. I couldn't believe that a coat of paint, or some thick coating of resin, would cause this kind of problem. After acquiring a Demco coupler repair kit, I decided to give it a shot. Obviously, it wouldn't work, either, for the problem was not with the lock block, or anything else than the hitch coupler itself.
I decided to remove the black coating, using flat screw driver, chisel, metal wire brush, grinder, etc., and after about a couple hours of ordeals, I removed about 2 Tbsp full of black plastic dust, and voila!, the lock block slipped down and latched into safe position!
I cannot believe Airstream would sell the Demco coupler, at more than twice the original price, adding materials that the manufacturer doesn't approve, causing this kind of problem.
My advice to anyone thinking of getting a replacement hitch coupler from Airstream, please don't! Get the exact same Demco coupler from aftermarket and save yourself a lot of money and agony.
I have attached a number of pictures for the entire process and I hope this helps!