Just about to plunk down more than 40 thou. on a '07 Chev. crew cab with the diesel/allison and given the recent mandated changes in thw new Ultra Low Sulphur fuel, not so sure that I'de be better off with a new '06 or will the '07 perform as well.
Whould appreciate any thoughts/observations/opinions in that regard.
Thanks a million;....or at least 40 thousand.
2007 25' International CCD FB
, New York
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 159
Originally Posted by Terry C. Tullier
Just about to plunk down more than 40 thou. on a '07 Chev. crew cab with the diesel/allison and given the recent mandated changes in thw new Ultra Low Sulphur fuel, not so sure that I'de be better off with a new '06 or will the '07 perform as well.
Whould appreciate any thoughts/observations/opinions in that regard.
Thanks a million;....or at least 40 thousand.
I just went thru the same purchase ordeal. After years with the 250 HD PSD (Ford) I switched over to the Duramax/Allison combo. I went with the 2006 instead of the 2007 specifically for the LBZ motor....not available in 2007. In my ops I can't be burdened with searching out the "correct" fuel. Occasionally red diesel gets put into the truck. Bio is also available to me. You don't have that choice with the new '07 motors. You will never regret the HD choice if there is towing in your future. When you need it...you really need it. Duramax is way more quiet than the PSD....the ride is almost too spongey. The HD Chev truck is generally more "humane" than the Ford too. LT3 trucks appear to be about 3000 to 4000 cheaper here in Texas than West of here...don't know about the East. I hope it works out for us both.
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