Ready to buy & install entire 63 AS Interior...
I am ready to begin the interior remodel of my 63 AS. It is a frame up restore so I am having new cabinets built etc. In advance I am beginning to assemble all NEW appliances, tanks, toilet, lighting etc...
Does anyone know of a thread and/or website wherein I might compare notes with others who have amassed and documented a comprehensive list of ALL items, parts, connectors etc... they utilized to update and install new AS interior systems?
Additionally, I am curious as to how others have fitted in gray tanks, vented AC units out the street side etc... Basically, looking for tips, tricks and techniques others have garnered allowing me to not have to "reinvent the wheel"- thus freeing up precious time so my AS project will culminate Septmeber 2009. All recommendations welcome! Thank you in advance for your input! Zstream.