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Old 12-23-2003, 02:09 PM   #21
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My new old trailer

I too am a newbie with a big mess or blessing? I just purchased a 1969 31' sovereign international from a neighbor. I am happy with the purchase, the body is great except for one large dent on a front panel, the interior is complete and in working order, but dirty. I thought it was just frying grease which I cleaned off easy but now am left with very stubborn tobacco stains. I would like to clean the walls to like new, since I think painting might amount to pure sacrilige, but have yet to discover the 'miracle' solvent. All the cabinets are wood and will look great with little sanding and varnish. The floor is solid through-out. I am in a quandry over how much I should keep original for collectablity, or whether this is even an issue with my trailer. I will need to purchase much replacement sundry: drapes, interior latches, hinges etc. etc., and need a resource for these original items. If any one has any suggestions, I am currently an information vacuum.
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Old 12-23-2003, 06:17 PM   #22
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cleaning up!

The 1986 I purchased 2 years ago was covered with mold and mildew, it had been sitting for some years near the Florida coast. We used Orange Clean inside and out, on walls, floor, ceiling, cabinets, windows, exterior, etc, and it cleaned up beautifully. You can get Orange Clean at walmart, Home Depot, or possibly at your grocery store. It is inexpensive and sprays on easily. We didn't use in on the curtains, but it probably works on those also. Good luck with the is well worth it.
# 4248
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Old 12-29-2003, 05:47 PM   #23
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thanks to all for the replies, I found something that works!

Sorry it took so long for me to reply, computer was down for awhile, then I had trouble logging in to reply!

Anyways, after purchasing every cleaning agent known to man, I have concluded that cleaning products that can be purchased in the US are far stronger than those available up here in Canada!!

My "concoction" that worked an ice cream tub, fill it about 3/4 full with liquid undiluted TSP (trisodium phosphate), then add 3 to 4 scoops of powdered Oxy-Clean, then add about a cup of PineSol.

To apply, take an old paintbrush, and cut the bristles down so it's kind of stubby, then "scrub" the solution into the surfaces, starting at the top, so it runs down....then rinse with really hot water and a clean cloth. It took several applications, but is 110% better!!

I also did end up painting too. I used a special primer that is designed to stop nicotine bleed-through (the name escapes me at the moment!)

I still need to do a lot of little things, like the tambour doors, and the sliding bathroom door, and I also am considering getting one of those guys that does the bathtub spraying/re-coating to come and do the tub and countertop/sink in the bathroom.
Any input on that?
I can think of no other way short of replacing the tub, and that I think would be kinda expensive.

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Old 12-29-2003, 06:11 PM   #24
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I believe I made the first post about using dow bathroom cleaner"scrubbing bubbles".My wife tried several products,but dow worked the best. Spray it on,wait 3 or 4 minutes and wipe off. mechanic
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Old 12-29-2003, 07:49 PM   #25
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Newbie here, have cleaning question..

Greetings Wolf!

I also am considering getting one of those guys that does the bathtub spraying/re-coating to come and do the tub and countertop/sink in the bathroom. Any input on that?
I had a professional refinish the bathroom fixtures in my '64 Overlander and believe it to be a very worthwhile investment. The complete cost was just under $600. The finished product can be seen below (the color was called antique pewter):

The starting point was a very original avacado green with brown age spots as can be seen in the before photo below:

<<There are several other before and after photos fo the bath fixtures available by clicking the "Photos" button at the bottom of my post.>>

The process was somewhat more involved that I would have ever suspected. There were at least three different kinds of plastic/fiberglass requiring three different primer/surfacers as well as three different top coat products. The results were well worth the cost to me to have what appear to be brand new fixtures. It did take a bit of shopping to find a refinisher willing to work in the confines of an Airstream bath. I had estimates from three vendors - - ranged from $1,500 to $675. I went with the low bid on the recommendation of my regular plumbing contractor who had done business with that particular vendor in the past.

Good luck with your decision!

Kevin D. Allen
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Old 12-30-2003, 09:41 AM   #26
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Wow, thanks!

Those before and after shots are awesome!

Thanks for all the replies, I am now thinking that I would like to do this myself, (but those profesionals really make it look awesome!!) and put some more of that "I did it" pride into it.

I am hoping to be able to find the recommended products up here in Ontario.

Come on Spring, I wanna sand!!!

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Old 12-30-2003, 01:47 PM   #27
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I have had a very busy/scrub filled weekend. After toying with over $50.00 worth of cleaners(TSP, scrubbing bubbles, floor stripper, natures orange, dawn, tide with bleaching action, etc., etc.; I have come to the conclusion that the walls of my 1969 sovereign are straw colored not discolored as previously suspected. Though almost all cleaners worked with some amount of struggle, I must say I preferred scrubbing bubbles where effective. It was easy and almost pleasant to cover a few square feet at a time scrub hard with a bristle brush and then simply wipe to produce a lighter straw colored shade that is both shiny and uniform. Natures orange worked well on greasier and spot scrubbing areas, and made the interior smell swell as well. The bathroom is a lost cause, I will probably have it painted soon. Should I use a general bathroom restorer, or a specialist used to Rv's or Airstreams in particular. Also I need to replace the leather trimming that insulates the window opening rods that potrude into the cabin, they are all dried and cracking. Thanks for the continued support.

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Old 12-30-2003, 02:45 PM   #28
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Newbie here, have cleaning question..

Greetings Darin!

Should I use a general bathroom restorer, or a specialist used to Rv's or Airstreams in particular.
I doubt that you will find a specialist who is accustomed to working with refinishing RV bahtrooms. When I went searching for a refinisher, I checked with my regular Airstream dealer, Ace Fogdall RV, and they weren't aware of anyone specializing in refinishing RV bathrooms. I then checked with Arlene Fowler of Fowler Interiors (specializes in restoring/refurbishing Airstream interiors) and she wasn't aware of anyone specializing in refinishing RV bathrooms. My next step was contacting all of the bathroom refinishers in my phone book. Only found two who would consider refinishing the bathroom in an RV - - one estimated $1,500 while the other estimated a bit less. I was having some plumbing and heating work done in my home, and my contractor suggested a contractor who didn't advertise - - his bid was $675 and the job actually came in under his bid. This was almost two years ago, and I continue to be thoroughly satisfied with the results and still have three years plus left on my performance warranty.

Good luck with your search!

Kevin D. Allen
WBCCI (Lifetime Member)/VAC/Pride Streamers/Wisconsin-UP Unit (Primary)/Missouri Greater Ozark Unit (Affiliate Member) #7864
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