I wish to line my walls with carpet, particularly around the rear bedroom, for both aesthetic and insulation value.
Has anyone done this, or know of a source for light weight carpeting?
One of the problems I envision is getting the fabric to conform to the compound curves in the bottom rear without having to cut triangular shapes out of the fabric to get a proper fit.
If you check the newer A/S, you'll find that the factory uses a carpet like material on the walls and ceiling..
You might give them (factory) a call to find out the source.
It's possible that it's listed on a thread on here somewhere as well..Good luck~!~
__________________ WBCCI 5292 AIR 807 NEU #64 New England Unit
We had a piece of fabric-covered cardboard along the side of the bed that had become stained badly enough over the years that we replaced it with carpet. Our choice was a remnant of very, very plush neutral colored carpet used by a limosine builder. To provide a finished edge we had it bound on all sides.
As you have noted, the problem is the compound curves. Getting our rather heavy carpet cut to fit was somewhat tedius and took multiple trial fittings. The lighter weight you can get, the easier it wil be.
In hindsight, we would have been better off working from a paper pattern.
There are also wall cover fabrics that are almost light weight carpet. The only difference really is the lack of backing. This would be easier to work with. It is sometimes sold by carpet stores as well as wall covering stores.
Originally posted by 53FlyingCloud Dick
If you check the newer A/S, you'll find that the factory uses a carpet like material on the walls and ceiling..
You might give them (factory) a call to find out the source.
It's possible that it's listed on a thread on here somewhere as well..Good luck~!~
You can buy the material from Airstream (take a look at the parts books for the current models on the Airstreeam web site) for part number. The same material was used in my International and in the bottom half of the walls in my Classic. It goes up with contact cement.
The material used in the current Airstreams fits compound curves a lot better because it has a lot more give than carpeting. It is designed to stretch easily.
John W. Irwin
2018 Interstate GT, "Sabre-Dog V"
WBCCI #9632
Check out Ozite by Foss. It is a non woven fabric that is used for commercial wall coverings, good for noise reduction and probably better than aluminum for insulation.
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