I want to provide some vents into my belly pan area too. The closest I have seen to something pre-fabricated in my neck of the woods are some small aluminum vents at home depot about 2" in diameter. The ones that I saw were designed to go into a hole that was drilled into wood such as might be under the edge of your roof on your house. They have cylindrical sides that are 1/2" to 3/4" tall. I think maybe they could be modified to serve the purpose by slitting the sides and folding them back inside the belly pan. I suspect that it might also work to just drill some holes in the belly pan maybe 1/2" to 1" in diameter and fasten screen over them from the inside using a bead of vulkum.
I made my insulation decision today. Itis going to be r-11 with the paper removed on the inside walls and foam board under the floor. I went with the foam board because of the rodent issue and if I need to remove it for any reason it won't be such a mess. Thanks for all the replies !! Opinions still welcome
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