That would be great! I'm sure I will have to modify the doorways on both sides of the bedroom to do this. I have no problem losing the greenish gold accordian door - all this 69/70 green gold is starting to wear on me! LOL Being about 12 to 14 yrs old when it was truly in style, it reminds me of my mother's house at that time! She always has loved green. :-) can anyone tell me if I need to leave the 'doorway' framing that holds it? It spans right in front of the axels. Seems to me it may also provide structural stuff. Real technical huh?
if you can email it, send it to rochsmama at aol com
Tina Helms
135 Mathis Lake Rd
Thomaston, GA 30286
and I can pick it up at my brother's. Right now I'm hanging out in a field with no address and totally loving it!!! Life couldn't be better.
My son who is almost 26 couldn't cope with my 8 track player so he gave me a CD player for Christmas and installed it. He was fascinated with the styrofoam in the speakers! His passion in high school/college was installing car stereos. That was before he married.