01-16-2012, 02:58 PM
Rivet Master 
1992 34' Excella
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Bed Bands
I bought a set of these
Bed Bands
and they work even better than the elastic garter type straps that I've tried before. I'm completely happy with them and I can recommend them for keeping the bottom sheet taut.
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02-02-2012, 08:45 PM
4 Rivet Member 
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Originally Posted by craftsman
Road Ready Airstream Classic Travel Trailers sheet sets by AB Lifestyles
Sheets made specifically to fit beds in Airstream CLASSIC model Travel Trailers! AB Lifestyles' Road Ready sheet sets are made of 300 thread count 100% cotton. We specially cut these sheets to fit the curved corners of mattresses in Airstream Travel Trailers. Available in 4 great colors! Superb quality. Reasonable prices. FREE shipping!
I found this company that makes the curved corner sheets I boughta set of the twin sheets from Airstream and while nice I don't think they're worth $160.00
After reading this thread I decided to try AB. Got my AB Lifestyle "fitted" sheets today. The bottom sheet does appear to be fitted. I am washing them before I put them on the bed, so don't know yet how well it fits.
However, the top sheet appears to just be a regular queen size sheet. It is 78 inches WIDE for a bed that is only 48 inches wide. I laid it over my queen size bed in the house and it covers it completely. That means I will have 15 to 20 inches hanging awkwardly out of the exposed side of the bed. I know how bad it will fit because I am using regular queen size sheets on it now.
AB advertizes that the TOP sheet has elastic sewn in the bottom edge for a snug fit. There is NO elastic anywhere on the top sheet.
These sheets were more expensive than Airstream's fitted sheets. The material is nice, but it's the fit that I was more concerned about.
I have emailed them about this and will share their response. BTW this is the 2d email I have had to send them. First was after several days and no word about shipping my sheets. They claimed they tried to email me unsuccessfully regarding the color I ordered being unavailable.
That's 2 strikes. I should have just ordered from Airsteam.
02-02-2012, 09:07 PM
Rivet Master 
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Originally Posted by Rich of SCal
After reading this thread I decided to try AB. Got my AB Lifestyle "fitted" sheets today. The bottom sheet does appear to be fitted. I am washing them before I put them on the bed, so don't know yet how well it fits.
However, the top sheet appears to just be a regular queen size sheet. It is 78 inches WIDE for a bed that is only 48 inches wide. I laid it over my queen size bed in the house and it covers it completely. That means I will have 15 to 20 inches hanging awkwardly out of the exposed side of the bed. I know how bad it will fit because I am using regular queen size sheets on it now.
AB advertizes that the TOP sheet has elastic sewn in the bottom edge for a snug fit. There is NO elastic anywhere on the top sheet.
These sheets were more expensive than Airstream's fitted sheets. The material is nice, but it's the fit that I was more concerned about.
I have emailed them about this and will share their response. BTW this is the 2d email I have had to send them. First was after several days and no word about shipping my sheets. They claimed they tried to email me unsuccessfully regarding the color I ordered being unavailable.
That's 2 strikes. I should have just ordered from Airsteam.
I have had very good experience with AB Lifestyles. You should give them a call at 1-800-825-4533 and talk them through your issues. They are in the eastern time zone.
02-02-2012, 09:26 PM
4 Rivet Member 
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Originally Posted by Ridgerunner3
I have had very good experience with AB Lifestyles. You should give them a call at 1-800-825-4533 and talk them through your issues. They are in the eastern time zone.
What issue? The top sheet is nowhere near what they advertised. They brag about a feature that is actually not on the sheet.
I did send them an email. I will see what they say.
It could be your bed is easier to fit. Mine goes across the back and has less than a 3 foot opening on one side, so sheet fitting is a hassle. Any excess has to be tucked between the mattress and the walls, except for that opening. I would have expected the top sheet to be no more than 60 inches wide. But they are as wide as the bed is long. And I checked the hemming all the way around carefully. Maybe they will shrink in the washer.
Meanwhile I just ordered more sheets from Airstream. Unfortunately they will take 3 to 4 weeks, and I am leaving week after next.
02-02-2012, 09:32 PM
Rivet Master 
2008 19' Safari SE
, Colorado
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I have full sheets on mine, with extra long sheet suspenders from BB&B in an X from corner to corner. Works great!
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
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02-02-2012, 10:46 PM
4 Rivet Member 
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, California
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Originally Posted by zlee
I have full sheets on mine, with extra long sheet suspenders from BB&B in an X from corner to corner. Works great!
Your floorplan and bed location is quite different than mine. Yours is in a corner, while mine is across the back wall and up against the wall almost all the way around, except for a couple feet on one side to get in and out of the bed. It's actually a very comfortable arrangement, but needs a custom fitted sheet to fit its odd shape.
BTW I did get a response from my email, but not a very satisfactory one. They basically said they didn't put the elastic on my particular sheet because of complaints when 2 people are sleeping together in that small bed. They did not explain why they didn't tell me it wouldn't be included when I ordered it, or why the sheet is so wide.
If I want to send it back at my expense they will add the elastic. I am going to get it altered locally. I won't be ordering more thru them. It shouldn't be this hard unless I was ordering custom made sheets just for me. This is something they normally sell.
Not mad, just disappointed. But I'll get over it.
02-02-2012, 10:51 PM

2006 19' International CCD
, Kansas
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Originally Posted by zlee
I have full sheets on mine, with extra long sheet suspenders from BB&B in an X from corner to corner. Works great!
Where did you find extra long suspenders? I have them but normal size.
02-02-2012, 11:51 PM
3 Rivet Member 
2008 19' Bambi
, Texas
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Posts: 114
AB Lifestyles,
I have ordered several items from this company over the years and have always received prompt service and a quality product. I have a 19' Bambi with the corner bed, a very difficult bed to make, the AB sheets I have make this an easy task. I am a full-timer so the sheets sets I have are used every night and have held up to the numerous washing that go with full time living. I would suggest that you contact the company directly, as somtimes with e-mail they spin of into cyberspace.
02-03-2012, 12:20 AM
4 Rivet Member 
2012 16' Sport
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, California
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Originally Posted by c177tx
AB Lifestyles,
I have a 19' Bambi with the corner bed, a very difficult bed to make
A corner bed would be a breeze to make, compared to mine. I have to climb onto the bed to tuck in the top sheet. To put the bottom on I have to pull up the mattress on its edge. It's like working inside a box. And the mattress is a little oversized so it fits against the wall very tightly.
Another odd thing...the custom fit comforter that came with it was cut backwards. The flap that should fit into the side space (which is where I am able to climb into bed) is on the wrong side. It is toward the back of the trailer. If I turn it and sleep the other way it would put the tv right in my face and require me to climb under it when getting out of bed. Makes me wonder what they were thinking. Anybody else in a 16 rear bed have this?
Don't get me wrong. I love the trailer and I think it has one of the most efficient floor plans I have seen. Not a wasted square inch of space. Once I am actually in the bed it feels very spacious and comfortable. I don't have the panoramic rear window, but with all the shiny aluminum and nice rectangular window it does not feel claustrophobic at all.
02-03-2012, 09:09 AM
Rivet Master 
2008 19' Safari SE
, Colorado
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Originally Posted by blmitch5
Where did you find extra long suspenders? I have them but normal size.
Bed Bath & Beyond. There's one right here, I'll get you a pair before we leave and bring it to you! I have to go get fuel before hitching up.
Rich, that's essentially how I make my bed - lift the mattress onto it's side, slide the bottom sheet on, clip the suspenders, settle it into place. I'm planning on sewing the bottom sheet to the top sheet at the end. I definitely want the overhang, as that allows enough sheet for two in the bed.
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
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02-03-2012, 11:40 AM
4 Rivet Member 
2012 16' Sport
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Originally Posted by zlee
Bed Bath & Beyond. There's one right here, I'll get you a pair before we leave and bring it to you! I have to go get fuel before hitching up.
Rich, that's essentially how I make my bed - lift the mattress onto it's side, slide the bottom sheet on, clip the suspenders, settle it into place. I'm planning on sewing the bottom sheet to the top sheet at the end. I definitely want the overhang, as that allows enough sheet for two in the bed.
That's a good idea...sewing the top to the bottom. I still have to cut the top sheet narrower. There is no way I can jam that much overhang in between the walls and the mattress. And I got the mattress cover, so it will be even tighter on the sides now. Maybe I should just get a new sleeping bag and forget it.
02-03-2012, 08:04 PM
Rivet Master 
2008 19' Safari SE
, Colorado
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Posts: 950
Originally Posted by Rich of SCal
That's a good idea...sewing the top to the bottom. I still have to cut the top sheet narrower. There is no way I can jam that much overhang in between the walls and the mattress. And I got the mattress cover, so it will be even tighter on the sides now. Maybe I should just get a new sleeping bag and forget it.
Is it just you? If so, you could sew the top to the bottom on the bottom and the far side, so it just stays "tucked" in all the time, and just cut it off so you have enough to overhang on the near side so you don't shortsheet yourself!
You could also do a sleepsack kind of arrangement?
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
Blog: 300 Miles or 3:00
02-03-2012, 08:05 PM
Rivet Master 
2008 19' Safari SE
, Colorado
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Originally Posted by blmitch5
Where did you find extra long suspenders? I have them but normal size.
Brad, I have the suspenders for you!
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
Blog: 300 Miles or 3:00
02-03-2012, 09:11 PM
4 Rivet Member 
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Originally Posted by Rich of SCal
Another odd thing...the custom fit comforter that came with it was cut backwards. The flap that should fit into the side space (which is where I am able to climb into bed) is on the wrong side. It is toward the back of the trailer. If I turn it and sleep the other way it would put the tv right in my face and require me to climb under it when getting out of bed. Makes me wonder what they were thinking. Anybody else in a 16 rear bed have this?
OK, I was wrong about the spread. I looked it over closer when I put on my new sheets today. The small flap isn't for the space, it IS for the wall on the back of the trailer. That way it stays tucked in, but isn't tucked completely toward the pillow so you can move around easier. After I made the bed and tucked in the spread properly it fit nicely and hid the messy top sheet.
In the second pic you can see how far the top sheet hangs over the side,even tho it is tucked into the back wall. I pulled back part of it so you could see where the mattress is, but it would hang that far all along, except that I tucked in a lot of excess into the back wall before putting on the spread. The bottom sheet fits very nicely, but the top doesn't even look like it belongs to the same sheet set. Since Airstream did such a good job on the spread, I am hoping they did the same on the sheets I have ordered from them.
02-03-2012, 09:44 PM

2006 19' International CCD
, Kansas
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Originally Posted by zlee
Brad, I have the suspenders for you!
Your the best!
02-15-2012, 01:46 PM
Rivet Master 
2008 19' Safari SE
, Colorado
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Posts: 950
By the way, anyone looking for those extra long sheet suspender thingies at BB&B, the sales girl who helped us didn't even know they had them. I knew they did, since BB&Bs aren't particularly regional. (I was a personal shopper/bridal registry consultant for them for a few years, and one of my jobs was to go round the store every single morning and discover what we had in stock and where it was; we were among the few people who had to know EVERY item in the store.) If the sales people tell you they don't have them, ask to see where the regular corner suspenders are, they're usually stocked right next to or above them.
They work great, you may have to fiddle around a bit to figure out where the best place is in the curved bit of the mattress to keep the sheet on without slipping around.
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
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07-08-2012, 10:57 PM
2 Rivet Member 
2006 25' Safari
, Texas
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sheets that fit the odd twin mattress
We've been at this sheet and fit the mattress game about 5 years and we started out with the standard sheets, using the garters and the suspenders to hold the sheets in place. The factory mattresses are horrible and we've recently replaced them with custom foam because it was cheaper than pain killers and chiropractors. We did the mattress toppers, and covered those with protectors and mattress pads all of which helped with the comfort. Finally after wrestling with the sheets for a couple of years, we bought regular deep pocket sheets at Wallyworld and I hit the fabric store and bought a long roll of half inch elastic. I set up the sewing machine to zigzag and stretched the elastic all the way around the entire fitted sheet. The tension of the elastic makes it hang on tight and that is how I solved that problem for us. For the flat sheet, I sewed a simple rod pocket at the bottom of the sheet, cut a piece of 3/4 inch PVC and slid it in and it helps make the bed and you can avoid having to retuck. I think this is the most reasonably priced solution to the sheets fitting the odd shaped twin mattress.
07-08-2012, 11:27 PM
Rivet Master 

2006 25' Safari
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, Florida
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I purchased some regular twin size sheets from Sams Club "Christie England". They are super nice sheets in a set for $29 for each twin bed and those "hold on" straps that someone mentioned on this thread. They work just fine on the twin radial beds.
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