Banquette -- 1999 25' Safari
Good evening everyone.
We have removed the sofa in our AS, looked for and found flooring we will install, and are now talking with two carpenters to get their quotes to build our banquette (glorified dinette). After they build it, I am going to do the upholstery in ultra leather.
What I'm wondering is, do we need to allow for "flex" of the walls as we travel down the road? I am concerned that if we fit the banquette too tightly, and the walls do have some movement in them, either the walls may become damaged or the banquette.
By the way, we are also changing out the rear twins to a queen (or king). We discussed various ways to accomplish this, but in the end we decided to take the easy way out -- remove the two mattresses and place plywood across the two. We'll end up having to build some storage to fill in a couple of places along the walls. I realize this won't be the easiest of beds to make up, but in the end if we or someone else wants to make it back into twins, it will be easy-peesy.
Thanks so much.
PS -- Is it Spring yet!!? (Cabin fever here.)