New owner of an 1985 29' 6"
Sovereign with twinn beds in the rear. In my "test" sleeps on the twin bed, I'm reminded of sleeping with an old girl friend in her dad's cabin too many years ago to mention ...... the bed was harder than heck, but I didn't mind too much as I thought the future would turn out "great" ...... the realationship didn't work out , the bed almost killed me, but I was lucky enough to find a "great girl" and now what looks like a "great" trailer, but with the "bed from the past" ...... I'm looking at the "NovaForm Elite Memory Foam Mattress Topper" from Costco. It's a two inch foam with a terry cloth cover .... since the twin beds measures 32" by 78" I'm thinking of buying the "king" topper at 76" by 80", cuting it in two and resewing the cover to fit after cutting the foam to fit the matress shape. Wondering if the 2" foam will be enough to defeat the buckboard ride of the present Airstream mattress. My other question is about sheets for these beds, can/are there suppliers of sheets that will fit these beds without buying normal sheets and modifying them to fit ??? I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions .... thanks Brian