How were they hung? How do you hang them now? We got some ideas at the Forum Rally a few weeks ago, but none seem to fit our 67.
The ceiling has holes where something held curtains. Was it a track, or were they snaps? Any track that follows the ceiling contour will have to make compound bends. I hope someone out there has a solution for this confounding compound problem.
We hope to see some solutions at the upcoming vintage rally. See some of you there.
In the 65 Safari I had the curtain was snapped to riveted snaps that were on the ceiling. There was a strip of them that went from the wall towards the window. There was one snap that was further inside the shower that the rest. I figured out that the lone snap that was out of line was to snap the curtain back out of the way when tied back so it was not falling out of the tub.
You should be able to find a cloth water repellent curtain that can be cut to fit the shape. Snaps are available at the big fabric stores.
Brett G
WBCCI #5501 AIR # 49
1978 Argosy 28 foot Motorhome
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. -- Plato
I have a '67 Caravel with an intact shower curtain.
if it's not the original it's an airstream replacement.
It slides in a tract. The attachments are little pieces of
plastic with balls on the end that slide in the tract.
Snaps attach in various places to cover the toilet etc.
Can you believe this print?
I replaced the cheap, crinkly shower curtain in my International with a soft cloth shower curtain from Wal-Mart. I wish I would have kept the number of it, but it is Vanella colored and cost about $15 as recall. It is plain vanella without any pattern.
The new curtain is much larger than the old. I transferred the sliders from the old curtain and bought a couple of extra sliders from the A/S dealer (quite cheap). Nice thing about the oversize curtain is that it makes my wet bath almost a dry bath since it can cover the commode and washbowl. There are little suction cups on the edge that I can attach to the smooth walls of the bath.
Odd thing, I have found that the new curtain drys much faster than the old crinkly curtain. Water doesn't wet it. Just a shake and it is practically dry.
John W. Irwin
2018 Interstate GT, "Sabre-Dog V"
WBCCI #9632
Our 67 Tradewind has a track (groove) that follows the slope and curve of the ceiling. The curtain tabs slide in there. Sounds like you're missing the track itself.
"would you rather have a mansion full of money or a trailer full of love?"
I just bought my first AS. I think its a 66 overlander. It has the original shower curtains in it. they are fairly stiff , about 1/4 inch thick panels that unfold across the end of the tub. When they are folded back against the wall they are a stack about 2 inches deep by 8 inches wide by 4 ft tall. They are stiff enough to hold there own wieght verticaly. As soon as I get the bath cleaned up I'll try to take some pictures of them. Mac
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