MORE PARTS - We have had our '70 Safari 23' only a few weeks, and the die has already been set with MRS. doing all interior destruction and reconstruction while I tend to mechanical, and metal related restoration. To say she is skilled would be an understatement. She was feeling motivated the other night and popped off one of the old floor tiles ... hmm., that was easy ... 20 minutes later the entire tile floor was out. To try and slow her down, I said "we" needed to replace floor under front benches (called Gauchos?), and "we"(she) might as well take them out too ... OK, two hours later "we" have them out and never to return. So, does anyone need these kind of parts, wood or hardware? Does it have any dollar value? I guess if you were going for "all original restoration" this could be a score. Can send photos if someone wants to see.