new to me, pulled the trigger on the 1985 Avion-i think it'll be a great camper, hopefully b/c i'll be spending the next 18+months in it! take a look and tell me what you think!
started the cleaning process. PO didn't quite maintain the level of clean I would... yes i took the hideous rack off the back after a little urging from a slide hammer...
Looks great. I have a soft spot for Avions because my parents used to have one (about the vintage of yours). It looks to be in fine condition. Thanks for posting the pictures. Enjoy!!!
Great Unit! I have a 1978 Avion 26' and love it! I also have a 1973 33' Airstream and find they are both very good units and very comparable. Would hate to have to choose between them. Good luck and enjoy, - Pride in Ownership!
1997 30' Excella
1961 26' Overlander
1954 22' Flying Cloud
1981 28' Airstream 280
San Antonio
, Texas
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 1,436
We have a 1981 10.6 metre (34 foot) and we just love it!! Tows like butter.
Bruce WBCCI# 9259AIR# 38927TAC-TX 14 Stop Littering-Spay & Neuter-- Adopt From Rescue No amount of time will erase the memory of a great dog.
Thanks everyone! yeah 100+ mile trip with 15-20 mph winds the whole time and barely felt it back there. so far so good, pulled all the valances and curtains and sheer(the see-through things close to the windows) and washed them. came out about 5 shades lighter otherwise thanks to all the rain the past two days here in Ga I've located a few minor leaks, around the A/C and ceiling vents, and where the window seal has pulled back leaving a gap. PO had it under an awning all the time, barely used in the past year and a half. Thanks for looking!
As said, I own currently an Airstream (33') and Avion (26' Sportsman) and would hate to choose between the two. - However, being said, both have distinctive qualities, - unmatched by others...(Boxes.) What I gravatate towards is the insulation (Living in Alaska) and the Avion has others (Airstearm) surpassed in insulating features. Avion has urathane in the sidewalls and 1 1/2" in the floor boards - unlike Airstream. Being said again, Airstream has comparable (although unlike) although more that supersedes in 'lay-out' comfort, than was engineered in (Eariler -post 1980's) Avion. BOTH were (and Still ARE) ..... Beyand The Box! Enjoy and Share the Pride...Unique.
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