We picked one up late this summer, and have used it once, so far.
Yeah, it's expensive...but I like 'new toys', and the convenience of being able to do a 'quick level' when arriving at camp is great!
The RV Pillo is well constructed, with a multi-ply material to protect it from damage...they claim you can use it on a gravel surface without any worry...guess I'd check for any sharp rocks first!
To use it, we backed normally into our spot...I then layed the Rv Pillo alongside the 'low' side of the trailer, just outboard of the wheels...I then pulled forward just enough to clear the Pillo, then slid it inboard to the area just vacated by the wheels...then I backed up again to center the wheels on the Pillo.
The inflation process only takes a few minutes, depending on what size of compressor you have...I just watched my trailer level gauge till we were 'level' and that was it!
I also bought RV Pillo's brake 'block' that you place between the wheels before inflating...It becomes wedged between the wheels to make an effective parking brake when the Pillo is inflated...when you let the air out of the Pillo, the brake 'block' becomes dislodged without any real effort.
I ran down the stabilizers and leveled for-aft with the tongue jack to complete our set-up...about ten minutes...really neat!
They claim you can raise up to about 8 inches...we only needed about 2 inches for a level position...I didn't need to add any air over the 5 days we were using the Pillo.
I didn't detect any 'movement' on the Pillo with the stabilizers down...the RV Pillo becomes quite 'firm' with the air that's needed to raise the axles, so there's really no 'flex' in the pillo itself.
I keep the RV Pillo and my air compressor in one of those plastic tubs with a lid to easily cart it along...I already had been packing our air compressor for other tasks at camp, so that wasn't an additional item to purchase.
Long term, multi-use will tell the tale as to how it will perform over time...for now I'm really pleased with how easy it is to do our side-to-side leveling...no more moving the trailer back and forth multiple times to get the correct number of 'Lego blocks' under the wheels!