Need help with mechanical jack!!! I need to bring my baby home.
When I bought my 1974
Sovereign several years ago, it was equipped with a mechanical jack...My husband and I research the forums for assistance and this seemed to help. I am wondering if we just need to buy a new jack as everything that we have tried thusfar has not worked...As a result, we can not move my Airstream even if we use a manual jack as the hitch would still have the 'frozen' jack to tear up the asphalt...I need help.....It is going to rain yet again this week, thus putting off our move until G-d knows when...My husband re- wired everything--but my jack will not do anything...I hate the thought of having to buy a new Jack at today's prices....Ugghhhhh!!!! P.S. My brother and his two children just moved in with us so I a hopig that they will assist in making my Airstream into a place that we can all go on a trip together and share our lives...But, in reality, I know that this will never happen--however, I DO need your help in getting our beauty home...I will be posting pics so please assist me in getting her home....unfortunately my husband does not share my enthusiasuem for my Airstream.....But, in essence, I told my husband recently that I could reside in my Airstream on a small piece of land and live comfortable all by myself....He does not seem to all of us Airstream enthusiasts, only we can understand how and why this is the decandence of life.....I was never exposed to the electrical, plumbling, nor the means in to which to renovate our little home...Any advice or information would be greatly appreaciated..