Can my 2005 16' Bambi be slightly lifted so I can fit a larger tire? I've looked at the axle mounting, and the only adjustment I can see looks like it would lower the trailer a bit rather than lifting. But I may be looking at it wrong.
Any ideas or directions? I have searched for this topic, but could not find any relevant threads.
Thanks, Ed
2005 39' Land Yacht 390 XL 396
Common Sense
, Texas
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 5,319
Originally Posted by kd7trx
Can my 2005 16' Bambi be slightly lifted so I can fit a larger tire? I've looked at the axle mounting, and the only adjustment I can see looks like it would lower the trailer a bit rather than lifting. But I may be looking at it wrong.
Any ideas or directions? I have searched for this topic, but could not find any relevant threads.
Thanks, Ed
If the axle mounts on your trailer like mine does, the only way would be to fabricate a sort of spacer plate.
My experience has shown that height adjustments in the upward direction change the COG (center of gravity) can cause handing issues. Some good...Some not so good. Conditions such as instability, sway problems and possible changes in braking behavior are the not so good ones.
"One of the best lessons I've learned is that you don't worry about criticism from people you wouldn't seek advice from."
Call Robert at Roger Williams Airstream 800-378-5883.
They started the 16" wheel and tire modification.
You change the arm angle from 25 too 35 degree down.
I have this mod. and have not had any problems with cog are braking.
Are you sure you need the raise the trailer? I have put 225 75 16 tires on my trailer and have 5 in. of clearance. More important is make sure the wheels you are considering have the right off set or you will have a problem with the edge of the wheel well.
__________________ WBCCI 12156 AIR 3144 WACHUNG TAC NJ6 2004 Excursion 4x4 1991 34 ft. Excella +220,000 miles, new laminated flooring, new upholstery, new 3200 lbs axles
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