I can't handle this, side window looks like crap, it's fogged over, this has happened over the winter, What's my options???? it's on my 77 Caravanner, thanks in advance
Movie Stars and Film Crews come to Me from hundreds of miles enticed by My knowledge, My imagination,expertise, creativity and innovations!
Which window are you referring to? It sounds as thought the seal has failed on the sealed unit. Vintage Trailer Supply sells replacement windows and may be able to help you. 1969-79 Airstream Windows
Cameron & the Labradors, Kai & Samm
North Vancouver, BC Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! - Mame Dennis
Movie Stars and Film Crews come to Me from hundreds of miles enticed by My knowledge, My imagination,expertise, creativity and innovations!
Is that a single or double glazed window. On my trailer it's a single piece of glass. If it's a single piece of glass, then the 'fog' is likely condensation inside the trailer. As I said previously, if it's a failed sealed unit, then you probably need to replace it.
Cameron & the Labradors, Kai & Samm
North Vancouver, BC Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! - Mame Dennis
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