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Old 11-28-2012, 07:48 PM   #1
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Is my window going to self-destruct...

if I don't have this little piece?
After removing most of the windows in my '62, I finally noticed that there was a little plastic piece that fit in a notch cut in the top of each window inside the "hinge" that had been falling out unnoticed. In order to slide the window out, I had to remove a small screw that was in the middle of the hinge (the side that is attached to the trailer) that went into the little plastic piece. It is time to reinstall the windows and I am wondering if I can put the windows back in without that piece. The function of it seemed to be to keep the window from sliding out, but with the window arms installed, this doesn't seem likely to happen as it will be fixed in place from the inside. Does anybody know about this piece and if I need to replace it, where it can be found?

Also, in replacing the Hehr bulb seal, I noticed that the old stuff had only been put on the top and bottom of each window. I chose to put mine on the sides too. Is this a mistake?
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Old 11-28-2012, 08:30 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by aluminitus View Post
if I don't have this little piece?
After removing most of the windows in my '62, I finally noticed that there was a little plastic piece that fit in a notch cut in the top of each window inside the "hinge" that had been falling out unnoticed. In order to slide the window out, I had to remove a small screw that was in the middle of the hinge (the side that is attached to the trailer) that went into the little plastic piece. It is time to reinstall the windows and I am wondering if I can put the windows back in without that piece. The function of it seemed to be to keep the window from sliding out, but with the window arms installed, this doesn't seem likely to happen as it will be fixed in place from the inside. Does anybody know about this piece and if I need to replace it, where it can be found?

Also, in replacing the Hehr bulb seal, I noticed that the old stuff had only been put on the top and bottom of each window. I chose to put mine on the sides too. Is this a mistake?
The bulb gasket did originally go all around the window.

However, it's now 50 years since that gasket was used.

Technology has come up with many far superior parts to use on your 50 year old Airstream.

Currently, most owners chose to use the "D" shaped gasket which does a much better job of sealing and does not collapse like the bulb gasket.

The bulb gasket flattens out and stays that way, in a very short period of time. The "D" gasket is hollow and pops back to it's original shape shortly after you open the window.

It's installed with Super weatherstrip adhesive.

Andy Rogozinski
Inland RV Center
Corona, CA
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Old 11-28-2012, 09:48 PM   #3
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This was discussed recently on a VAP episode. As I remember it that little plastic piece is vital to keeping the window square in the opening, without it sooner or later the window will slide either left or right ...and when you go to close the window you will break the very fragile welds at the corners. Then you will have to find someone that welds aluminum which is difficult. I think others have simply whittled a new one out of plastic stock. Maybe you have one you can copy?
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