I have recently re-installed a Jalousie window frame in my
1964 Safari using buck rivets and butyl putty tape. In places, there are small gaps that aren't totally filled with putty. I tried bucking rivets a little more. It helped a bit, but was starting to dent up the window frame. Anyone use some kind of clamp setup in addition to clecos?
I am considering shoving extra putty in from the outside with my fingers and a plastic putty knife. Alternatively, I could fill the gaps with Vulkum, but I'm hesitant to mix products on a single application.
Also, I'm wondering if folks are caulking over the outside edge of the putty tape with Vulkum (tempro 635)? Debris seems to get lodged in the putty easily.
I would appreciate guidance on using butyl putty tape on window frames.