Fixed side of window in living room is broken & the only option I've found so far is a $475 replacement of the whole unit. Does anyone know of a source for just the glass or a better priced option for the unit. Thanks!
$475 for a replacement unit is a really good price, normally they only get sold as complete (sliding and fixed price, in the frame) and often go for nearer $1000.
The glass isn't flat and I am told not in production anymore. I believe the only other option would be Lexan.
Polycarbonate in general bends with a little heat, so it is a case of buying a piece to the correct dimensions and with the appropriate UV inhibitors/scratch resistance , cutting to size and thermal forming - there are many videos online.
But remember even when replacing with Lexan you have to get the vertical retaining bar out which normally means removing the frame. There are many good threads on removing the windows in the motorhome section, maybe there are some good tips in there?
2005 34' Classic S/O
2006 39' Land Yacht 396 XL
north blenheim
, New York
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 2,853
Have you tried Inland RV, Silver Trailer Supply appears to be parting out a 370. You might want to try there as well. Do the job right...forget the Lexan, it looks like crap. Getting the fixed window out is the easy part...doing the slider and the screen is where the job gets interesting !
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