05-14-2022, 06:12 AM
The Warthog
2019 28' Flying Cloud
, All over
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 77
Originally Posted by jwgreen
Greetings from the North Texas Airstream Community in Hillsboro, TX where we currently have 10 hams. My home station here is a FT-1000 Mk5 into a 4BTV vertical behind the house. Rig in the AS is a FT-991A to a ATAS-100 auto tuning antenna on the roof of the AS. Rig in the TV is a FT-400XD for 2M & 70cm. The Airstream club has a amateur radio club with the call sign WB8RC that will be active during the rally in Fryeburg. If you're at the rally, there will be an informal morning net at 7:30 AM on 146.430 mhz FM simplex. It also sponsors the RV Service net that's on 40M every morning. There will be a club meeting and dinner during the rally. See Ernie, N4AEW, or me at the sign up tables in the registration area when the rally opens for tickets and join or renew your membership in the club. If you're not a current member or won't be attending the rally, contact Ernie, N4AEW, at his QTH in NC. His address is good on QRZ.com. The current club president is Jim Johnson, WW7N, and new officers will be elected at the dinner meeting.
Any CW ops in the club or at Fryeburg?
We live in Portsmouth, NH about 2 hours from Fryeburg. We won’t be attending the whole rally, we are looking to come up one day, I think it’s Wednesday to attend some sessions.
I could most likely work Fryeburg from here on 80m but I am CW only, though I do have an HT I use for APRS SOTA spotting that I could figure out.
05-15-2022, 07:50 AM
3 Rivet Member
2007 34' Classic S/O
, Texas
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 115
Originally Posted by GSansoucie
Any CW ops in the club or at Fryeburg?
We live in Portsmouth, NH about 2 hours from Fryeburg. We won’t be attending the whole rally, we are looking to come up one day, I think it’s Wednesday to attend some sessions.
I could most likely work Fryeburg from here on 80m but I am CW only, though I do have an HT I use for APRS SOTA spotting that I could figure out.
I don't have any records about our members who are CW ops, sorry. You're welcome to visit the rally (day pass required) and then inquire on 146.430 mhz if anyone is a CW op and if the club station is open. Are you a member of the WBCCI ARC? If not, we can sign you up at the rally. The East Coast RV Service net meets daily at 7190 khz @ 0600. NCS are usually in the SE USA.
John Green, Hillsboro, TX
2007 34' Classic LTD S/O
2011 Dodge RAM 3500/Cummins power
WBCCI #4432 & ARC member W9CJX
05-15-2022, 02:59 PM
de NO1PC
2004 30' Classic
1988 29' Excella
, California
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 70
Heading to Fryeburg...
XYL N1KAA and I will be at the Rally. Will try to check-in to all the RV Services Nets as we travel from Calif with a small caravan. (CA-NV-ID-WY-MT-ND-MN-WI-MI...Niagara Falls... Fryeburg, arriving a couple days before rally opening. Will also have APRS active, and try to hail on 146.520 often enroute.
Just applied to be a VE, pending, in case that help is needed. Otherwise, lots of technical things we can chat about... APRS, AllStar, mobile power and RF, etc. Anything I can help with... let me know.
Will also try to catch some video for HamRadioNow as we travel and hopefully encounter lots of other hams.
de Jim, No1PC
Facebook: Amateur Radio Elmers, Ham RVers...
When/where was this originally posted?
"Originally Posted by jwgreen View Post
Greetings from the North Texas Airstream Community in Hillsboro, TX where we currently have 10 hams. My home station here is a FT-1000 Mk5 into a 4BTV vertical behind the house. Rig in the AS is a FT-991A to a ATAS-100 auto tuning antenna on the roof of the AS. Rig in the TV is a FT-400XD for 2M & 70cm. The Airstream club has a amateur radio club with the call sign WB8RC that will be active during the rally in Fryeburg. If you're at the rally, there will be an informal morning net at 7:30 AM on 146.430 mhz FM simplex. It also sponsors the RV Service net that's on 40M every morning. There will be a club meeting and dinner during the rally. See Ernie, N4AEW, or me at the sign up tables in the registration area when the rally opens for tickets and join or renew your membership in the club. If you're not a current member or won't be attending the rally, contact Ernie, N4AEW, at his QTH in NC. His address is good on QRZ.com. The current club president is Jim Johnson, WW7N, and new officers will be elected at the dinner meeting."
Originally Posted by GSansoucie
Any CW ops in the club or at Fryeburg?
We live in Portsmouth, NH about 2 hours from Fryeburg. We won’t be attending the whole rally, we are looking to come up one day, I think it’s Wednesday to attend some sessions.
I could most likely work Fryeburg from here on 80m but I am CW only, though I do have an HT I use for APRS SOTA spotting that I could figure out.
Enjoy the ride! Best 73!
de Jim, NO1PC
05-16-2022, 08:44 AM
1 Rivet Member
2020 30' Classic
New Haven
, Missouri
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 18
W0UWZ in the Midwest, I am a member of WBCCI radio club has everyone checked in at 7.191 or 7.184 in the morning?
05-22-2022, 10:11 AM
2 Rivet Member
2023 27' Globetrotter
, New Hampshire
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 28
David KX1A in Portsmouth NH AS GT 23
05-22-2022, 10:19 AM
2 Rivet Member
2023 27' Globetrotter
, New Hampshire
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 28
Originally Posted by GSansoucie
Any CW ops in the club or at Fryeburg?
We live in Portsmouth, NH about 2 hours from Fryeburg. We won’t be attending the whole rally, we are looking to come up one day, I think it’s Wednesday to attend some sessions.
I could most likely work Fryeburg from here on 80m but I am CW only, though I do have an HT I use for APRS SOTA spotting that I could figure out.
I think 80 meters will test our ability to erect an antenna at the Fryeburg site. 40M should be no problem, Glen.
I will be there. I booked the week but will probably come and go. de KX1A David
05-23-2022, 07:07 AM
The Warthog
2019 28' Flying Cloud
, All over
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 77
Originally Posted by dspeltz
I think 80 meters will test our ability to erect an antenna at the Fryeburg site. 40M should be no problem, Glen.
I will be there. I booked the week but will probably come and go. de KX1A David
Just need an 84’ length of wire. That’s my antenna now, but if I ran it more NNE, you could tie a Campbell soup can to your end and we could QSO that way.
40 has been odd here lately for me. I had better luck at the campground on 40 this past weekend with a 41’ wire vertically pulled into the trees and a very elevated 17’ counterpoise. I’m going to try 59’ this next weekend, I think I have the room left in my line I’ve pulled into a pine tree.
There are two other local Airstream hams we need to get into this thread too.
05-24-2022, 03:09 AM
de NO1PC
2004 30' Classic
1988 29' Excella
, California
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 70
Amateur Radio to/from/at Fryeburg/International...
#1 -
This and other Airstream social media/ham venues deserve to be fixed and brought under a better official/supported venue/implementation. I don't care if it's Facebook, Google groups or Groups.io... but we're missing a LOT of mutual interaction amid too many obscure places to find content... I'll bring this up in Fryeburg...
#2 - I/we will be HF mobile and present on APRS from West Coast to East and back. LOTS of hams between CA and ME... lots of YouTube/FB snippets to share on my YouTube presence, HamRadioNow, etc. If you're going to be radio-mobile to/from Fryeburg, especially video capable, let me know - we could get a LOT more coverage than the recent HamVention...
#3 - on-air priority will be to follow the sun relative to 3-4 regions' RV Services HF nets. Otherwise, monitoring and hailing 146.52.
Otherwise, if you're on-air... will be... following the pilgrimage to Fryeburg... let me know directly... send a Private Message and we can share email - the FT-857d and TarHeel would love some RF!
Enjoy the ride! Best 73!
de Jim, NO1PC
05-24-2022, 05:00 AM
Rivet Master
2024 25' Trade Wind
, Washington
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 1,184
Originally Posted by JimAspinwall
I don't care if it's Facebook, Google groups or Groups.io...
For what it’s worth, if it ends up being Facebook, I won’t be joining you all there. Google is a maybe for me. I’ll certainly be less apt to share things in a tool owned by any company whose business model is to profit off my data.
05-24-2022, 10:12 AM
Rivet Master
2007 22' International CCD
, California
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 9,180
Facebook, Google, any of the social media other than Airforums is verboten around me. Too many databases and trackers for this currently working computer security dude. My data is mine, not theirs.
Rich, KE4GNK/AE, Overkill Engineering Dept.
'The Silver HamShack' ('07 International 22FB CCD 75th Anniversary)
Multiple Yaesu Ham Radios inside and many antennae sprouting from roof, ProPride hitch, Prodigy P2 controller.
2012 shortbed CrewMax 4x4 Toyota Tacoma TV with more antennae on it.
05-24-2022, 10:22 AM
Rivet Master
2024 25' Trade Wind
, Washington
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 1,184
Originally Posted by rmkrum
Facebook, Google, any of the social media other than Airforums is verboten around me. Too many databases and trackers for this currently working computer security dude. My data is mine, not theirs.
Yeah, I’m with you. The only difference for me with Google as opposed to Facebook is I can create fake accounts with dis-information to confuse Google’s trackers. Facebook makes that really difficult now. But the problem is, if it’s a Ham group, I won’t share my call sign there.
05-24-2022, 12:05 PM
Rivet Master
1978 31' Excella 500
, Nevada
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 1,567
Originally Posted by JimAspinwall
#1 -
This and other Airstream social media/ham venues deserve to be fixed and brought under a better official/supported venue/implementation. I don't care if it's Facebook, Google groups or Groups.io... but we're missing a LOT of mutual interaction amid too many obscure places to find content... I'll bring this up in Fryeburg...
#3 - on-air priority will be to follow the sun relative to 3-4 regions' RV Services HF nets. Otherwise, monitoring and hailing 146.52.
Otherwise, if you're on-air... will be... following the pilgrimage to Fryeburg... let me know directly... send a Private Message and we can share email - the FT-857d and TarHeel would love some RF!
I found that when you leave the Airforums, the group that you found or found you on Airforums morphs into something else. Then you may get a lot of instructions advice from a different set of folks. But I'm referencing a total different event in the desert.
I admit to being powerless over housecleaning and social niceities
Airforums 22655 and now, WBCCI 22655
05-25-2022, 06:07 AM
The Warthog
2019 28' Flying Cloud
, All over
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 77
Originally Posted by NevadaGeo
I found that when you leave the Airforums, the group that you found or found you on Airforums morphs into something else. Then you may get a lot of instructions advice from a different set of folks. But I'm referencing a total different event in the desert.
I already get most of my ham social/reference information off FB, IOGroup reflectors, QRZ, or the like. I’m not paranoid about “big brother” and tin foil hats don’t suit me.
While it’s trivial to create an Airstream specific Ham Radio group/reflector/thread elsewhere, I’m not sure it’s going to provide much use. Ham Radio is a vast hobby with so many different aspects. I’m mainly QRP, HF, CW I think there are 2, maybe 3 of us in this this thread yet I belong to many groups where there are tens of thousands of like minded folks with which to share information.
I think a FB group with well moderated content: keep topics around Ham Radio, use tags and other searchable tools, and make sure people “close the loop” when asking a question if they have a problem, would suffice. There are already about 50-100 “Airstream” FaceBook groups, one more won’t break the bank.
05-25-2022, 08:22 AM
de NO1PC
2004 30' Classic
1988 29' Excella
, California
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 70
How about Groups.io ?
Enjoy the ride! Best 73!
de Jim, NO1PC
06-21-2022, 08:27 PM
Liquid Cooled
2017 27' Flying Cloud
Currently Looking...
Currently Looking...
Currently Looking...
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, Indiana
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Originally Posted by JimAspinwall
Xarriving a couple days before rally opening. Will also have APRS active, and try to hail on 146.520 often enroute.
Probably be using APRS and monitoring 146.520. Supposed to get in the Wednesday before ... I bought a function generator that will produce afsk waveforms, have a vague idea about making an APRS node out of a Teensy ... What I do have working is a keyboard that uses a straight key and 4 capacitive touch sensors as inputs (also get space, backspace, carriage return and shift key) ... Have it set up at around 10 wpm (or whatever an 80ms dit is). Have another written in Circuit Python. Code is on github, can PM a link it but not going to broadcast it here. Anyway, Is fun to type with it. Use it as a keyboard pretty much daily. Has some tolerance (like +/- 20-30ms), and a deliberate deadband between a dit and a dah, so you get rhythmic or you get nuthin.
07-05-2023, 08:59 PM
Jim & Amy Emett
2005 28' Classic
, California
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 6
K6OSO Here
07-06-2023, 08:57 AM
de NO1PC
2004 30' Classic
1988 29' Excella
, California
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 70
Hand-raised - de No1PC
If this helps, there are approximately 120 members of the WBCCI Amateur Radio Club.
How many know about this forum or others, as the club has not determined a specific inter-club forum - here, Groups.io, Facebook, etc. - could be a challenge other than just self admission.
There is a not very active, but friendly "Ham RVers" group on Facebook - all makes/models represented.
I could not stay at the recent International rally to attend the annual ham club meeting to ask the WBCCI club board to consider an Intra-club Facebook presence or other, so inter-member communications might still be a challenge.
On-air activity... HF nets: https://rvnet.wbcci.net/rv-service-nets/
Enjoy the ride! Best 73!
de Jim, NO1PC
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