I don't know if you have the same WFCO inverter that I do in my 2017 Flying Cloud, but for mine there's a large fuse in a holder on the body of the inverter. ALL of the power to the inverter outlets passes through that fuses, whether you're on shore power or powering the inverter from the batteries.
The way I learned about this fuse was by plugging a small space heater into a conveniently-located inverter outlet. On that weekend I also learned that this fuse isn't readily available in Fredericksburg, TX. D'oh!
The one in my WFCO is: SLC-15, class G
DEFINITELY put eyes on your manual and/or inverter itself before you go out and buy one like mine to see if yours uses the same. While you're doing that, if you have a multimeter you should measure the fuse for continuity.
— David
Zero Gravitas — 2017 Flying Cloud 26U | WBCCI# 15566
He has all of the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. — Sir Winston Churchill