Go to your power distribution panel and flip off, and then on for the main breaker, and then might as well do the other breakers also. Now you know it isn't likely a tripped breaker. Test operation of 120v items like lamps, or fridge, or any outlet. Sometimes the 120v power cord connection or source breaker (maybe in the house) trips and thus fails to deliver the 120v to the trailer.
If all okay, not you can check your converter to ensure it hasn't tripped or blown a fuse. It should be applying maybe 14v dc to the low batteries and then settle down hours later to 13.2 volts.
Troubleshooting is such fun.
WBCCI #8607 VAC Region 11
KnowledgeBase trailer renovation threads: 69 Globetrotter, 76 Sovereign, 75 Overlander, 66 Trade Wind Such fun !