I am sure this must have been discussed but I had no luck with the seach function.
In the process of replacing the "break away" emergency switch I was tracing the wires from the tow vehicle connector. With the trailer plugged into shore power I was getting about 5 volts across the battery and ground terminals. With the trailer unplugged the voltage jumped to 12 while the supply to the electric jack was 13.8. Obviously there is something in the circuit that prevents the plugged in trailer from "charging" the tow vehicle. My question is what/where is it and will it allow the tow vehicle to charge the trailer batteries given that there seems to be a large ( 1.8 volt) drop in the circuit?
I don't have a wiring diagram for the 1986 25 foot AS. The
12 volt fuse panel is behind the front sofa and the charger is there somewhere. (To be honest I have not had the need to check them out - so far - and am not complaing about it.) Does anyone have any experience with this situation and are my observations "normal"?
Years ago my parents had a travel trailer and I never thought the tow vehicle did a good job of charing the battery; I attributed that to the long and undersized wire between the two batteries.
Thanks for your help
Whit Nash