The converter is powered by 120v AC and "converts" it to
12v DC to charge the trailer battery and to power the
12v circuits in the trailer. Without the converter and/or the battery, your
12v circuits won't work. Thus lights, fans, furnace, water heater, water pump, etc. won't operate.
If you are a "park model" where everything above runs on 120v AC, then all you have to do is unplug the converter from its wall outlet. So look for the power cord coming out of the converter and unplug it. Then your battery will be dead in a month or so.
My battery and converter were in the rear in a drop down storage compartment and maybe your 75 is the same way. Your converter may be behind the fuse panel.
WBCCI #8607 VAC Region 11
KnowledgeBase trailer renovation threads: 69 Globetrotter, 76 Sovereign, 75 Overlander, 66 Trade Wind Such fun !