I have a autocraft deep cycle marine 24 DC-1 battery for my trailer,is it ok to use a 12volt charger or tender over the winter to maintain the battery while it is in my garage?
Just wanting to make sure I an understanding you correctly, 12 volt battery tender not a 24volt tender.
Yes, it is fine to use one as long as it is of the same voltage and that the tender goes in to a float mode to keep from boiling your batteries by switching to a very low amperage and the correct float voltage input.
One can not pump 14.5volts and 10amps continuously into a battery without damaging it.
Thank you everyone. Now I understand 24 is the group size and it is a 12 volt battery. Just went down to garage and attached 12 volt battery tender. After all these years still learning about my Airstream with your help.
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