2024 Classic Lithium Battery Charging
I seem to be having issues with the lithium batteries charging on my 2024 Classic. When plugged into a 15 AMP service at the storage facility the batteries seems to lose their charge down to 60%, while the battery disconnect is on. When I flip the breaker to the converter the batteries will start to charge again for a while, they got back up to 95% over two days and just turned the battery disconnect off and plan to monitor it over the next week. We didn't seem to have any issues until we took the unit in for warranty work.
The airstream dealership told me that the only way to charge lithium in a classic is with a 50 AMP service and that a 30 AMP generator would only charge the batteries if the converter wiring is on the same side as the smart plug. Which means it may be difficult to boondock for an extended amount of time. None of this makes sense to me but this is all new to me. Is any of what they told me true?