center support UP first?
THAT's a huge no no.
don't ever do that again.
who learnt you howz 2 use a z/d ?
so is the tear near the ROLLER or up near the top/trailer skin?
1. solar panels will WEIGH a lot more than fabric.
2. solar panels will be THICKER than fabric.
still IF wanting to experiment consider perhaps 4 feet of solar.
full awning length but near the TOP, closest to the shell.
this would be the best place to add the mass and weight,
and the LEAST visible when the awning is OUT.
also one could partially extend (4-6 feet) just to use the solar)
it might require a 4th (center strut arm/support)
if it's FUNCTIONAL this might add value.
is it's UGLY and useless, for 1-2k$ it can be UNdone quickly.
the 80s are not exactly collectible RARE trailers yet,
and an awning is JUST an awning.
while u are at it the streetside and rear window awnings
would be NICE small solar collecting locations too...