Wanted to share this idea.
At times traveling while overnight at a campsite or an event some Airstream owners like to have their running lights illuminated at night. There are many posts on the use of a Fuse between the disconnected trailer 7 pin cord. The fuse is jumped between the battery
12 volt 7 pin hot terminal and the running lights terminal.
I used the fuse method for years until recently on a trip it would not work? Confused at first I tested then remembered the trailer 7 pin cord battery hot terminal was dead. With the DC-DC upgrade and Lithium it was used for other applications and not a feed back to the truck.
So back home bored with the trailer in storage I bought off Amazon a MECMO 7 pin Truck side plug. I never liked the loose fuse method I wanted a more secure dust and water resistant connection while parked.
It works perfectly just used the running lights harness wire and fused it to a battery terminal clamp that can be placed on the positive post in the battery box. Later I may use a weather proof switch or not-
Disadvantage it some parts cost and your labor. Also the we can do it better advise to follow.
Advantage I now have a way to at least have running lights till I get repaired if the truck connector fails to power the trailer cord. I also can activate any other pin to test lights or brakes