Where to splice into tail light wiring
Hi all! I am looking for a way to wire in a 4 pin tail light connection into my 2020 27’ GT FBT at the back bumper.
Situation: I have a Fiamma bike rack mounted on the trailer. With two bikes on the rack, the tail lights are partially blocked (but still acceptable). I want to put a cover on the bikes for bad weather, which will block the tail lights.
I welcome all suggestions. One idea I have is to wire in a 4 pin connector at the back, install one of those “tail light bars” you see under truck tailgates, on the AS bumper, below the rack. …but I’ll need a connection to plug it into.
As such, where can I access the tail light wiring at the back of the trailer? I have a 4 pin connector on my truck I could use, but I really don’t want to run a wiring harness all the way under the trailer.
Thanks All!