Amber LED lamps are available online. is one place I've found them.
It's important to realize that simply installing a yellow (Or any color for that matter) lens does not usually work well. The reason is that a colored lens is a filter.... and of the entire color-spectrum emitted by a lamp... all spectrum NOT in the lens-color is blocked, therefore the total light emitted is reduced and often the amount of spectrum within the lens-colors is very small.
Example: I put a bright-white LED behind a red lens... and got a low-light amber. I put a bright-white LED behind a green lens...and got blue.
The BEST solution is to order the LED in the desired color...AND place it behind the desired color lens. For example, I found a RED LED behind a RED lens...gave an EXTREMELY BRIGHT RED light, and a Green LED behind a Green Lens gave a very bright GREEN. This made sense because the lens allowed the primarily red or green LED to pass thru the majority of it's lumens.
Hope that helps.