My Airstream, serial number o-3178, is misising its rear lights but has "ghosts".
The taillights were 6 1/2 inches in diameter, and slightly above center is a 1 x 2 inch rectangular hole.
The license plate holder and light is missing too- a 6" x 2 1/2" rounded triangle.
What should I be looking for to replace my missing lights?
What you're looking for is shown here. It's a photo from the yearly photo archive.
Flyrc on the forums I believe had a set for sale a month or so back. He lives close to me so I just left a message to see if he still has them. I think he has several of the license lights and brackets as well.
Hope that helps.
__________________ Scott & Megan
1963 Safari from the 1963-64 Around the World Caravan
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