"Water Heater" not lighting
I just installed my new 10 gal Atwood 110v/LP "water heater." First try, no water leaks at any of the connections!
Tested gas lines for leaks. They were fine too.
Problem... I follow the simple instructions for lighting the pilot, but don't even get the hint of a "poof" of ignition. Just to make sure I was getting gas, I eased off the fitting at the regulator, and with a testing solution got bubbles. I tightened it back up and tried again. Still nothing.
Atwood doesn't have a trouble shooting section in their manual, and they only answer the phone during the week.
Just to be sure I was gassed up, I ran the burners on the stove, as well as the propane heater and gas light. So I know I have gas flow. I shut those appliances off when attempting to light the pilot.
Any suggestions?
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