Originally Posted by starlite29
Having trouble with the Shurflo 4008 in my 2018 FC 25 FBT.
First dry camping trip out after dewinterizing. Pump runs continuously at a very low, almost inaudible level. Gets louder when I run the tap, then “shuts off” but is still running just a few db above background. Occasionally if I run the cold water a couple seconds it will get louder then totally shut off like normal. If it starts the “quiet” running it won’t pressurize and silence on its own, it will keep “quiet” running until I turn off the pump or run the tap to “force” it to pressurize and stop.
Water flow is intermittently weak, seems like more air than it should have. Totally normal from city water. If I pressurize the lines with city water then turn off city and turn on the pump it holds pressure, which seems like it would rule out a leak on the output side. In any event, I can’t find any leaks anywhere in the cabin. Confirmed low drains are closed. Removed the inlet/output lines from pump and reseated, pump initially pumped to pressure then stopped but now repeating same pattern.
Also - the screen with the clear lid has no water in it. I took the lid off, no debris etc. Seems like it’s not pulling from the freshwater tank.
Do I keep hunting or should I replace the pump at this point?
Very strange for sure. Confirm the water heater plug is in, bypass valve isn’t open, relief valve is closed, etc. I mention that because you said it just coming out of winterization.
Otherwise, replacing the pump would be my next step. If that the original pump it’s probably due anyway and isn’t expensive as RV things go.