Panel indicator light for water pump and Water heater
Hello all, My new-to-me, and barely used '04 Safari LS has an indicator light on the panel above the stove for the water pump. The pump works fine, but the light never goes on. Is it suppose to?
Same issue in the bath room- indicator light for the water heater never goes on, but the WH works just dandy.
2005 39' Land Yacht 390 XL 396
Common Sense
, Texas
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 5,319
Don't know about the water pump light....might be simply burt out, but the water heater light is sort of an alarm light. It only lights when there is a problem and the heater won't relight correctly.
To test that, turn off the gas and turn on the water heater. The red light should come on then.
The light is working correctly. It will flicker (once) when the hot water tank is trying to light. It will stay light if the tank doesn't light (usually when there is no propane in the line)
The light is working correctly. It will flicker (once) when the hot water tank is trying to light. It will stay light if the tank doesn't light (usually when there is no propane in the line)
All the best
That's the way the one works on our '83. When I turn the water heater switch on, the switch glows red until the water heater lights, then it goes out.
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